
- 2021-06-04-


縦方向ビーム are usually stamped from low-alloy steel plates, and the cross-sectional shape is generally grooved, and some are made into Z-shaped or box-shaped. According to the different forms of automobiles and the requirements of structural layout, the longitudinalビーム can be curved in the horizontal plane or the longitudinal plane, as well as equal or non-equal cross-section. The cross ビームis not only used to ensure the torsional rigidity of the frame and bear the longitudinal load, but also can support the main components of the car.

Usually trucks have 5-6ビーム, sometimes more. The structural feature of the side ビームフレームは、キャブ、キャリッジ、およびいくつかの特別な機器を設置し、他のアセンブリを配置するのが簡単であるため、バリアントカーの変更やさまざまな車両の開発に役立ち、トラックや最も特別なものに広く使用されています車両。